Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Breather time!!!!

Woah- I can't believe its already been a week since I was crowned.. and might I say this has been one of the best weeks of my life! After the parade I was in on saturday I attended the Miss NH Teen & USA pageant on sunday. Talk about GORGEOUS girls!!! They all rocked it up there and it just goes to show what the Miss Universe Organization promotes- the continuing confidence and growth within young women. Congratulations to the two new queens! Now- I just got back from a gingerbread house decorating contest for the Home for Little Wanderers! ( It was sooo much fun!!! I can't wait to be apart of their Stuff-A-Truck event tomorrow with my big sis Natalie (Miss MA USA) and WCVB-TV.

Keeping you posted always, xo
Jordyn Jagolinzer-Machado
Your reigning Miss Massachusetts Teen USA 

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Beginning of my journey...

Tonight I had my first official appearance as Miss Massachusetts Teen USA! I welcomed all of the attendees at the youth baseball gala in Reading and hosted the raffle! I've already met so many people and am looking forward to meeting more! Tomorrow I will be participating in my first parade too :) I will be on the "One Warm Coat" Float, an organization that helps to ensure that everyone who needs a coat- has a coat, and can stay warm all year long! I know tomorrow I will have mine on since it will be frosty and crisp in this beautiful state!! I am so proud to be your representative <3 

(Me and my amazing director Laurie!!)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

First official shoot!

Last night I had my first official photo shoot as Miss Massachusetts Teen USA! I had so much fun and the pictures came out awesome! I think I was most excited to eat some pizza... I'm trying to get all of these cravings out now so after the holiday I can start getting ready for the Bahamas and Miss Teen USA! One of the photos last night will be used for my comp cards this year and I can't wait to start using them! :) 

Hoping that everyone has a happy and healthy holiday! 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Me and my big sister Miss Massachusetts USA 2012! Natalie Pietrzak

Just crowned!

I am so excited to have been crowned the new Miss Massachusetts Teen USA 2012!! This year is going to be filled with photo shoots, appearances, and my favorite-volunteering! I've been volunteering from a very young age and I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to use this title as a voice and really get out there and encourage our youth to volunteer! I have many goals I want to accomplish this year and CAN'T WAIT to compete for the title of Miss Teen USA 2012! :)